Core Functional Flows

Use Cases

Use Case 1 - Proof of Marketing (Settlement)

This use case outlines how Redel enables projects to verify that KOLs have fulfilled theirmarketing requirements and ensures that payments are made accordingly based on the workdone.

Step Description Data Interfaces

Project submits requirements for the KOLs such as the number of followers, subscribers,minimum number of KOLs, and minimum required level to be filled.

Redel calculates the budget into a rate. Budget / Followers = rate

Redel writes a smart contract, and the project locks the budget.

KOLs fill marketing pools as per their availability.Redel confirms that KOLs meet the required number of followers alongside other metrics andweighted rating.

Redel engine confirms that KOLs execute the post as agreed. The KOL handles for the postedjob and a unique job/KOL hashtag are listed in the Redel engine. It needs to be confirmedwhether this unique ID is KOL specific or just job specific, as it may have an impact on thenumber of mentions.

Redel confirms the settlement to the smart contract that job is complete.

The smart contract executes and pays all parties, including the KOL.

Using Redel, projects can easily input their requirements, and KOLs can fill the slots based ontheir availability. Redel calculates the budget, writes a smart contract, and confirms that theKOLs meet the requirements.

The Redel engine ensures that the KOLs execute the post as agreed, and Redel confirms thesettlement to the smart contract that the job is complete. This process enables fair payments tobe made to all parties involved, and it ensures that projects can track the progress of theirmarketing campaigns with ease.

Use Case 2 - Target Marketing

Redel's Target Marketing feature enables the platform to collect channel data on KOLs,providing a comprehensive service by valuing KOLs in terms of project category, geography, andtime. The following steps explain how the feature works:

The KOL does their work on Redel platform

Redel records the project's market sector and the category it falls under

The KOL's success is measured by Redel's engine and a quality index is generated based onthe market category, geography, and timings of the KOL's work

Redel collects mentions and engagement data for the KOL's posts, including the totalengagement, geographic location, and the time of the posts that create the most socialengagement.

When a project registers on Redel, they provide the crypto market category they fall under

Redel provides the project with an infographic or statistic, such as the number of reaches in aparticular market category

Redel highlights jobs to KOLs in their specific sector, allowing them to choose which ones theywould like to fill in the KOL Marketplace.

Use Case 3 - Ranking

Redel's Channel data collection process, in conjunction with internal platform data indexing,enables the creation of a ranking system for KOLs. This system is designed to promotehigh-quality KOLs and allow projects to choose the most effective ones for their needs.

Here is a breakdown of the steps involved in Redel's KOL ranking system:

Step 1: KOL does work - The KOL performs their work as required by the project.

Step 2: Redel engine verifies KOL work and sends a list of KOLs to Redel - Redel's engineverifies the KOL's work and sends a list of KOLs to Redel. Redel then updates its internal SlotJob Completion Rating for each KOL.

Step 3: Redel Settlement server sends confirmation to smart contract - Redel's Settlementserver sends confirmation to the smart contract.

Step 4: Smart contract executes only paying KOLs who have been confirmed - The smartcontract executes and pays only those KOLs who Redel has confirmed.

Step 5: Redel updates Ratings for KOLs - Redel updates its KOL ratings based on thefollowing factors (note these are for representation and do noot reflect the internal algorithms'actual measures):

  • Quality of engagement in marketing category

  • Engagement rate (ER) - engagement per follower

  • Engagement rate on reach (ERR) - engagement per reach

By utilizing these ratings, Redel can provide projects with an objective and comprehensiveevaluation of KOLs. This enables projects to select the most effective KOLs for their specificneeds, ultimately resulting in higher-quality engagements and better outcomes for all parties involved.

Use Case 4 - Proof of Marketing (Ongoing Commitment)

Redel is a platform that empowers companies to connect with KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) fortheir marketing campaigns. KOLs are individuals who have a significant influence over a certainaudience and can sway their opinions and purchasing decisions.

To ensure the quality of the KOLs and their commitment to a project, Redel has implemented asystem that tracks the level of commitment of KOLs and rewards them for their dedication. Theplatform updates an ongoing commitment index for the number of completed jobs and theunderlying platform statistics for a specific project. This allows KOLs who are committed to aproject to be highlighted and rewarded for their hard work.

The process begins when a KOL completes a job for a project. The platform tracks their level ofcommitment to the project based on the number of completed jobs and the budget to followerratio. The higher the number of completed jobs and the budget to follower ratio, the morecommitted the KOL is deemed to be. This information is used to update the KOL's ongoingcommitment index.

Once the KOL completes a job, the KOL's work is verified by the Redel engine, which sends alist of confirmed KOLs to the platform. The Redel Settlement server then sends confirmation tothe smart contract, which executes payment to only the KOLs who have been confirmed.

Redel updates the ratings for KOLs based on the quality of their engagement in a marketingcategory, their engagement per follower ratio (ER), and their engagement per reach ratio (ERR).This information is used to create a ranking system for the KOLs and allows for quality to be promoted. Projects can then choose the most effective KOLs for their campaigns based onthis ranking system.

Redel is a platform that values the commitment of KOLs and rewards them accordingly. Byproviding a system that tracks their level of commitment and updates their ongoing commitment index.

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