Channel Data

Channel Data: POM, Audience Analytics &Benchmarking

Retrieve a list of posts. SAMPLE Searches from channel sources:

The Redel API provides the ability to retrieve a list of posts from channel sources. To do this, you can use thefollowing parameters:

search_name: A string that specifies the name of the search.

search_type: A string that refers to the type of search, which can be either topic, audience, or content.

start_date: A string that specifies the search start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

end_date: A string that specifies the search end date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

source_category: An array of strings that specifies the sources to search from, such as Twitter, Youtube, Instagram,Reddit, Linkedin, Facebook, and Forums.

content_type: A string that specifies whether to search for posts containing only images or videos. Possible valuesare content_type_only_images and content_type_only_videos.

countries: An array of strings that specifies the countries to search from, such as GB, US, UA, AE, and so on.

languages: An array of strings that specifies the languages to search from, such as en, de, ja, and so on.

audience_info: An object that specifies the audience to search from. This object can include the following fields:

track_single: A string that specifies a single Twitter user ID to track.

track_followers: An object that specifies a Twitter user ID and the number of followers to track.

track_friends: An object that specifies a Twitter user ID and the number of friends to track.

keywords: An array of arrays of strings that specifies the keywords for the search using OR or AND keywordcombinations. For example, you can specify [['foo', 'bar'], ['baz', 'qux']] to search for posts that contain either foo andbar or baz and qux.

exclude_keywords: An array of strings that specifies the keywords to exclude from the search results.

By using these parameters, you can perform targeted searches for posts on various social media platforms, filter bylanguage and location, and target specific audiences to gather data for analysis.

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