Configuration Tags

All posts that contain a given tag across multiple profiles

The "filter" parameter is an object that has five properties: "dateFrom", "dateTo", "brandId", "profiles", and "tags".

"dateFrom" specifies the start date of the data to retrieve.

"dateTo" specifies the end date of the data to retrieve.

"brandId" specifies the ID of the brand for which the data is being retrieved.

"profiles" is an array of profile IDs for which the data is being retrieved.

"tags" is an array of tags to filter the results by.

The "options" parameter is an object that allows for additional options to be specified for the query.

The overall function of the API call is to retrieve the total count of tagged results and the results themselves, includingthe profile ID , content, engagement, tags, and published date, within the specified date range, brand, profiles, and tags.The "nextCursor" property is used for pagination purposes. In this example, the query is filtering results by the tag"gift".

Last updated